A faith like mustard seed is what my bible says. And I remember my mum coming back from Jerusalem and handing over a packet of mustard seed to me. The discussion went from ‘Jesus just wanted a faith this small to do impossible things?, to Mustard seed is such a tiny seed – tinier than the sesame seed even.

As small as a Mustard

On came another year, and I was learning about various oils and butters and boom – oil in focus was mustard seed oil. Kidding instructor, I asked – hell no, I got.

Mustard seed oil

The mustard seed oil is one of the hidden secrets of the North Indians, Ancient Greek and romans for long hair. They use this oil for cooking and naturally get long hairs, the oil was a staple in those ‘Jesus’ century. So you see why Jesus could reference it so easily.

The mustard seed oil is from the seeds of mustard plant, which is a cruciferous plant belonging to the cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprout family. Mustard is known to be rich in minerals and vitamins. It is a good source of selenium, zinc, as well as beta carotene. Beta Carotene gets converted into vitamin A, an excellent factor that promotes hair growth. Moreover, Mustard oil contains loads of iron, fatty acids, calcium and magnesium, which encourages hair growth and conditions it. Hair loss is generally a result of zinc or selenium deficiency in the body, hence regular massaging your scalp with Mustard oil will stimulate healthy hair growth.

Tips and Tricks:
1.Mix your regular oil with Mustard oil. This will not only help to reduce the thicker consistency of the oil you’re using but also makes the application easier. It also reduces the amount of time required to wash off the oil from your hair.

2.Make a homemade concoction by blending your hair oil with some mustard seeds and henna leaves to get thick oil. You can also heat the mixture. After you get the desired consistency, strain out the leaves to get the oil. Massage your scalp with this oil the night before you want to shampoo.

3.Boiling Henna leaves in mustard oil stimulates healthy hair growth. For instance add 60 grams of Henna leaves into 250 ml of mustard oil slowly until they get burnt in the oil. Filter the oil using a strainer. Regularly massage your scalp with this oil to get rid of hair loss problems.

4.To get rid of dandruff from your scalp, mix a teaspoon of mustard oil with equal amounts of coconut and castor oil and massage it on to your scalp. Leave it overnight or for a minimum of four hours. Shampoo next morning to cleanse the oil.

And you know this by now.

Simply applying Mustard oil and other homemade masks won’t guarantee healthy hair growth. You need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow a balanced diet to help these tips work.

Throw in the mustard seed oil and you see abundant hair growth.

Looking for where to buy? we carry the extra virgin mustard seed oil. Click on ‘SHOP’ to buy.

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