Dealing with acne is tough! It is tougher when you are using the treatment for a different type of acne other than what you are experiencing, because there are different types of acne and they need to be addressed in different ways.

While your acne is treatable, the first step to reducing it is identifying the type of acne you have. Read this guide to help you identify different types of acne. Do note that this list is not exhaustive.

Nodule Acne: This occur as a large, solid, painful lump appearing beneath the surface of your skin. When your blocked pores get bad, they become more irritated and feed deeper into your skin.

Cystic Acne: Cysts are like nodules, but cystic lesions are softer and filled with pus.

Papule Acne: These occurs as small, hard and red bumps.They occur when excess oil, bacteria and dead skin cells push deeper into the skin and translates to visible redness and swelling.

Pustule Acne: Pustules are the common pus-filled pimples. They are very easy to identify because of their visible yellow or white center, and they are very tempting to pop. But beware, popping your pustule will increase the likelihood of scarring.

Whitehead Acne: While the color is different, whiteheads and blackheads have a decent amount of similarities. Both are a form of clogged pores. A clogged pore only becomes a whitehead when it closes (i.e., a closed comedone), whereas a blackhead is an open pore, or an open comedone. Whiteheads present as tiny white or flesh colored bumps. Due to their similarities, whiteheads and blackheads can be addressed in the same way. That means if your skin suffers from both, you won’t need separate products or routines to manage breakouts.

Blackhead Acne: Blackheads look just as the name suggests, like tiny black dots. These small spots occur when pores become clogged with excess oil, bacteria and dead skin cells. That debris-filled pore can form dark-hued clog in the skin, or a blackhead. Blackheads typically have slightly raised borders, differentiating them from sebaceous filaments, which aren’t a type of acne. It may come as a surprise that the name is a slight misnomer, too. The oil that clogs your pores turns brown, not black, when exposed to the air and oxidizes.

However, when it comes to basic treatment for all types of acne, you should avoid exfoliating with scrubs, because scrubbing will aggravate them. Instead we recommend following these easy treatments:

STEP 1: Cleansing with Semsey Active Charcoal Soap

STEP 2: Purify your pores with Semsey Detox clay mask (for Blackhead, Whitehead) and Charcoal Mask (Papule, Pustule).

STEP 3: Balancing your pH with Semsey Pore cleanser toner and finally

STEP 4: Moisturize. For you dealing with acne, we recommend Semsey Face Butter (Night) cream to give your skin the required moisture and hydration it needs to reduce/ balance the production of excess oil.

As with all skin issues/ allergies, if you do not see improvements with topical treatments, consult with your dermatologist.

Image credits:Google, Semsey

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