I love a well-moisturized face; a face looking so clean and healthy. You know the exciting expression you get when you are about to eat your favourite food that shows you are ready and cannot wait to devour the food. A moisturized face looks exciting and ready for the beauty world.

Moisturizers are creams, oils, and lotions you apply to the skin to make it feel less dry and hydrated. They hydrate the top layer of the skin cells and seal in water. A thing worthy of note about moisturizers is that they keep the skin smoother, clearer, and wrinkle-free. Now you see why I do not joke with a moisturizer.


Moisturizers should be applied in the morning and at night. Moisturizers used during the day should contain sunscreen and moisturizers with retinol and vitamin E are good night moisturizers.

Moisturizing can look like a chore, but it is totally worth it, I call it a ‘’meaningful chore’’.

I Don’t Need To Moisturize Because I Have An Oily Skin

Who gave you this piece of misinformation? You sure do need moisturizers whether you have oily skin or dry skin. Moisturizers are necessary for all skin types. Oily skin produces many oils that it needs a moisturizer to restore its balance and correct the excessive oil.

You should check out these 7 good reasons why you should always use a moisturizer.

  1. Moisturizer Reduces Skin Problems

Your chances of treating a skincare issue while you take good care of your skin is relatively low. Moisturizing is a good bet to keeping your skin away from problems. It makes your skin look healthy. Like a saying ‘’ beauty is in the skin, take care of it. ‘’

  1. It Fights Wrinkles

Nobody likes to look old, the old wished they could look young forever.  Legendary Designer, Vera Wang looks like she is in her 40’s, what If I told you, she is in her 70’s. Shocked right! You would have thought her face would be filled with wrinkles.  I bet you do not want to see her skincare stash. Embrace moisturizers so you can look beautiful and ageless.

  1. You Stay Young

Good moisturizers give your sensitive skin what it needs to stay alive, young, and healthy-looking. If you have sensitive skin, check out with a skin expert to choose moisturizers that will suit your skin.

  1. Moisturizing Replaces Oils

Moisturizing help replaces oil lost after exfoliating. Exfoliation and a hot shower can strip your skin off healthy oils, so you need a moisturizer to replace them.  Moisturizing after you have exfoliated helps the nutrients needed for your skin to penetrate deeply into the skin.

  1. Balances Your Skin Tone

Moisturizers give your skin a healthy glow and a sweet looking appearance. Some moisturizers are natural tanners that are not harmful, so they balance your skin tone giving it an even look.

  1. Reduces Itching

Moisturizers can be a huge relief for itchy skin. Dry skin becomes flaky and itchy and a good moisturizer fixes that and makes your skin feel comfortable. If you got itchy skin, moisturize daily, choose a moisturizer free of dyes and other possible irritants. This means the moisturizer is less likely to cause an allergic reaction that can make you itch more.

  1. Helps Your Skin Recover From Sunburn

You could have averted and reduced your chances of getting sunburn if you had taken the act of moisturizing seriously.  After sun exposure, your top skin layer dies, making it very susceptible to sunburn. Moisturizers with SPF can make your skin recover faster and if you have not been judicious about using sunscreen, you can start now.

The wonders of moisturizing are so numerous that the knowledge is inexhaustible. Moisturizers should be a daily part of your skincare routine for they make your skin look vibrant, hydrated and improve the overall skin health. You should consider getting a moisturizer to look good and have a healthy skin.

One thought on “What Is Your Meaningful Chore?

  1. Joy says:

    Nice write up

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